Virtual audio cable vac download
Virtual audio cable vac download

virtual audio cable vac download

Almost no sound latency with maximal interrupt frequency.

virtual audio cable vac download

Unlike Total Recorder allowing you to simply save audio stream, VAC allows to route it in real time. You can use VAC to "thief" an output sound stream from the application that doesn't allow to write it into WAV file directly. You can, for example, use two or more software audio generators/synthesizers/sequencors to produce audio streams sending them to VAC Out, and record the mixed stream from VAC In using any recording software - Windows Sound Recorder, Sound Forge, WaveLab, Cool Edit, Gold Wave, Cakewalk, Cubase etc. VAC is useful to record application's audio output in real time (for example - Generator, Reality or other software synth), or transfer a sound stream to another application processing it. If more than one applications are receiving audio from VAC, it will share the same audio data between all targets. If more than one applications are sending audio to VAC, it will mix all streams together. Virtual Audio Cable is a software that allows you transfer wave streams. VAC is a "wave-version" of the "MIDI loopback cable" like MultiMid or Hubi's Loopback drivers. All transfers are made digitally, providing NO sound quality loss. Any application can send audio stream to Out device, and any other application can receive this stream from In device. It creates a pair of Wave In/ Out devices for each cable. Virtual Audio Cable is a Windows multimedia driver allowing you to transfer audio (wave) streams from one application to another.

Virtual audio cable vac download